Episode #04 – Getting the Most out of the “GET UNSTUCK” Framework
On the last two episodes (EP#02 and EP#03) I broke down the exact “GET UNSTUCK” framework that I use to get myself, and my clients, you guessed it….UNSTUCK.
In EP#02 we discussed…
- Part 1 – the need to determine WHERE you and WHO you are right now
- Part 2 – decide on WHAT you want and the figure out WHY you actually want it ~~~> Listen HERE
Then in EP#03 I talked about…
- Part 3 – creating your ACTION PLAN to get the results you are after and then the need to IMPLEMENT/EVALUATE/ITERATE ~~~> Listen HERE
So on today’s episode I want to dig a little deeper and give you a few tips on how you can get the most out of using that framework to help you move forward.
Let’s get to it shall we?
Now that framework I gave you is a great way to help get you started down the path of getting yourself UNSTUCK.
It’s a step-by-step process that you can follow to start getting the results that you want and changing your life for the better.
But, it does come with a few caveats.
So, here are few things that you can do to make sure you get the most out of it.
#1 – YOU HAVE TO DO THE WORK – in every part of the framework I actually give you things to do. Exercises and assignments that require you to actually DO THEM. Don’t half-ass your way through these assignments or exercises. Don’t just listen and then try to “think” your way through it. Intellectually you may “get it” but don’t be fucking lazy. Take some time thinking about it and then WRITE IT ALL DOWN.
#2 – YOU HAVE TO BE BRUTALLY FUCKING HONEST WITH YOURSELF – there are exercises in the framework that require tough answers. As MEN it isn’t easy admitting some of the truths or feelings that may come up. As guys we don’t like to acknowledge, admit and accept feelings like fear (of failure or being judged) or anything else that may make us feel “weak”. But do yourself a favor. Don’t sugar coat shit. Being brutally honest with yourself and your answers is the only way to create better results in your life.
#3 – DON’T START WITH PASSION – Passion is so fucking confusing. Should you “find it” or “follow it” or “forget it”? Let me help you out. If you have a “passion” great. If not don’t worry about it. You don’t need it. And there is definitely no need to start with it. I’ve talked and written about this a bunch so, instead of going on another rant, just understand that passion is a better outcome than a starting point. So don’t let you lack of one keep you from getting started.
#4 – COMMIT TO TAKING IMPERFECT ACTION – This one does come with it’s own caveat. Because the “JUST TAKE ACTION” motto lacks a few additional requirements to make it effective. I am all for “taking action”. As of a matter of fact I want you to take BIGGER AND FASTER ACTION than most coaches. But, I just don’t want you to take action in a vacuum. I want you to take action with the intent of reflecting on it and learning from it. I want and expect it to be MESSY AND IMPERFECT. Because that’s where the learning takes place…if done correctly. It’s where you figure out what’s working and what isn’t. There is magic is knowing what needs to be done and figuring out WHY YOU AREN’T DOING IT.
#5 – BE WILLING TO THINK DIFFERENTLY – your current way of thinking has gotten you to where you are in your life right now. If you are STUCK in some part of your life don’t you think it would be silly to continue to think the same way? Different results require different thinking…no exceptions. One of the greatest things I can teach you is how to think differently…on purpose. Come to the process willingly.
#6 – CHUNK IT DOWN IF NEED BE – if you feel like most of your life is one big shit show right now it might to tempting to try to change it all at once. That can be a fast pass to nowhere so let me save you the trouble. Pick a smaller target. Choose one area of your life and work on that. Or go even smaller. Think about one result that you want to have. Take that one and work on doing the things you need to do to achieve it. Start small and build a track record of success for yourself. Then once you have become proficient in accomplishing the small stuff move on to the bigger challenges.
#7 – HAVE SOMEONE DO IT WITH YOU OR GUIDE YOU THROUGH IT – and this final one is crucial. Because it’s hard to read the label from inside the jar. You need an outsider looking in to gain a different perspective. So have a trusted friend, mentor or coach take you through the process. Someone who has your best interest at heart and wants you to succeed. Someone you can collaborate and co-create with. And especially someone that will ask you the hard questions and call you on your own bullshit if need be. That’s exactly what we do in our cohorts and why they are so powerful. Working with like minded people is not only a lot more fun but the energy is amazing and the outcomes are incredible as well.
So there you have it.
A few of the tips, or ways of thinking, that will help you get the most out of the UNSTUCK framework.
If you use the tools I have given you…the dashboard, the framework and these tips you should definitely be on your way to the land of GETTING YOURSELF UNSTUCK.
But as always…your mileage may vary.
So, if you need help and want to work with me to get it all sorted you can do so HERE.
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These things are intended to help you WORK BETTER, PLAY BETTER, CONNECT BETTER, and BE BETTER in every way.
Call them hacks, tips, resources…whatever you want.
I call them things that will help YOU become a BETTER MAN.