You Tried and Failed...Congratulations!

[RANT] Get Your Ass Out There And Fail

by | Confidence, Mindset, Success and Failure

It amazes me. It really does.

Time and time again I talk to people who are afraid.

Now they usually don’t admit that they are afraid but let’s cut the bullshit shall we?…they are scared shitless.

They are scared shitless.

But it really isn’t the fact that they are scared that gets me all riled up. I mean let’s be honest…we all are scared when it comes to making changes in our lives. It’s natural.

But what really, really, REALLY (did I say really) frustrates the shit out of me is that they are scared to even try!

This is where the power of the reframe comes into play.

You have to understand that big changes don’t usually happen in one big move. And you create a big problem for yourself when you think it does.

When you think the change you want in your life all happens at once it paralyzes you.

You keep thinking and analyzing, and analyzing and thinking trying to make 100% sure that the move you are about to make is the absolute right one.

And you know where that leads you?

Stuck in the same fucking place as you were when you started!

The key is not to THINK your way forward but to actually MOVE your way forward.

When you MOVE FORWARD and actually TRY SHIT OUT you get the feedback you need to make your next decision.

One step at a time.

So if you are actually out there DOING SHIT and FAILING then congratufuckinglations! 

You are that much closer to finding out what you really want instead of sitting on your ass not even trying.


Every week (Monday) I send out the BETTER MAN Newsletter –

A curated collection of insights, articles, tools and (sometimes) actionable shit to help you become the BEST VERSION OF YOU!

These things are intended to help you WORK BETTER, PLAY BETTER, CONNECT BETTER, and BE BETTER in every way.

Call them hacks, tips, resources…whatever you want.

I call them things that will help YOU become a BETTER MAN.



Every MONDAY I send a curated collection of insights, articles, tools and (sometimes) actionable shit to help you become the BEST VERSION OF YOU. Call them hacks, tips, resources...whatever you want. I call them things to help YOU become a BETTER MAN!

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Every MONDAY I send a curated collection of insights, articles, tools and (sometimes) actionable shit to help you become the BEST VERSION OF YOU. Call them hacks, tips, resources...whatever you want. I call them things to help YOU become a BETTER MAN!

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