by | Business Building, Connections, Fitness, Networking

And we are off to Vegas Baby!

Well, today is the day.

My wife and I are headed to Vegas for our annual fitness/business building conference.

Mens Fitness - Man on a Mission - Fitness Business Building and Networking

I always look forward to these events because we get to meet and network with tons of like-minded people who are using fitness to impact and change peoples lives.

After owning numerous fitness businesses, and being in the industry for so long, you notice that a lot of people in the fitness industry lack the passion and purpose behind what they do.

They go through the motions and are in the fitness business for all the wrong reasons. 

They are good people but can just tell that ultimately they don’t really give a shit about helping people change their lives for the better.

It’s fine if it happens but it isn’t what drives them. It’s just not their jam.

Basically what they have is a J-O-B in the fitness industry, not a CALLING.

So, it’s really frickin’ awesome to meet up with purpose driven people who are really “ON A MISSION” to impact peoples lives with what they do.

Stay tuned for updates and maybe next year you can join us!


Every week (Monday) I send out the BETTER MAN Newsletter –

A curated collection of insights, articles, tools and (sometimes) actionable shit to help you become the BEST VERSION OF YOU!

These things are intended to help you WORK BETTER, PLAY BETTER, CONNECT BETTER, and BE BETTER in every way.

Call them hacks, tips, resources…whatever you want.

I call them things that will help YOU become a BETTER MAN.



Every MONDAY I send a curated collection of insights, articles, tools and (sometimes) actionable shit to help you become the BEST VERSION OF YOU. Call them hacks, tips, resources...whatever you want. I call them things to help YOU become a BETTER MAN!

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Every MONDAY I send a curated collection of insights, articles, tools and (sometimes) actionable shit to help you become the BEST VERSION OF YOU. Call them hacks, tips, resources...whatever you want. I call them things to help YOU become a BETTER MAN!

It's Free. Never Spam. Unsubscribe whenever you want.

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